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Chapter 5 – Concluding Remarks

High Level Panel on the Post-2020 Development Agenda

We envision a world in 2030 where extreme poverty and hunger have been ended. We envision a world where no person has been left behind, and where there are schools, clinics, and clean water for all. It is a world where there are jobs for young people, where businesses thrive, and where we have brought patterns of consumption and production into balance. Where everyone has equal opportunity and a say over the government decisions that affect their lives. We envision a world where the principles of equity, sustainability, solidarity, respect for human rights and shared responsibilities in accordance with respective capabilities, has been brought to life by our common action.

We envision a world in 2030 where a renewed global partnership, building on the solid foundations of the Millennium Declaration and the Rio principles and outcomes, has transformed the world through a universal, people-centred and planet-sensitive development agenda achieved with the shared commitment and accountability of all.

We have a historic opportunity to do what no other generation has ever done before: to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030 and end poverty in many of its other forms. But we will not be able to do this if we neglect other imperatives of the sustainable development agenda today – the desire to build prosperity in all countries, the need to slow or reverse environmental degradation and man-made contributions to global warming, the urgent need to end conflict and violence while building effective and accountable institutions for all. Tackling these social, economic and environmental issues at the same time, while bringing to bear the energy and resources of everyone concerned with development – governments at all levels, international organisations, civil society, businesses, foundations, academics and people in all walks of life – is our singular challenge.

We recognise that the world has changed significantly since the Millennium Declaration in 2000, and are aware how much it will change by 2030. There will be more people in the middle class, and more retired people. People will be more connected to each other, using modern communication technologies, but perhaps more uncertain about what the future may bring. We are convinced that the next 15 years can be some of the most transformative in human history and that the world possesses the tools and resources it needs to achieve a bold and ambitious vision.

We envision a new global partnership as the basic framework for a single, universal post-2015 agenda that will deliver this vision for the sake of humanity. We have a choice to make: to muddle through as we have done, making progress on some fronts but suffering setbacks elsewhere. Or we can be bold and set our eyes on a higher target, where the end of many aspects of poverty is in sight in all countries and where we have transformed our economies and societies to blend social progress, equitable growth and environmental management.

The illustrative goals and targets annexed to this report are offered as a basis for further discussion. We do not know all the answers to how to reach these objectives, but it is our fervent hope that by coming together we can inspire a new generation to act in a common interest.